Thursday, August 13, 2015

A Little something.

As a young person in today's India. I feel a sea of emotions much more complex than the last generation did.
At least they had a clear set of rules, however morbid, however archaic.
They could steal moments of happiness and comfort that you get a glimpse of when you see a smiling face peering back from an old black and white picture.
I always wonder, the smiling faces of my parents I remember so distinctly and the happiness , was it real? Is happiness really that easy and simple growing in innocent laughter. Or is it the strange sense of loneliness, lack of direction, passionless ambition that I feel... what is real.

The confusion I feel is overpowering, my emotions are real and so conflicting, my motives so strong yet different. Going from clarity to being pulled in different directions is like growing up in a day.

How friendships have changed. How I am expected to be so different from what I really am. Should I adamantly stick to the convention or follow the gnawing feeling of searching for something...Is happiness found in those precious moments with family, your old and greying father's embrace, or in the achievement of a goal , or in just following society's blueprint set out so clearly for a girl.
Maybe I don't want to get married. Maybe I am feeling conflicted and alone when all my friends are getting hitched.
Who am I really.What is that one place I can call home..forever.
One of those lovely monsoon mornings. Entire city is washed down :)

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Happy accidents

I accidentally came across my blog.. again!
Haha...Cannot believe I had the energy to write at that time..I'm quite the opposite of what I used to be..or probably that part of me is hidden now..I had written and published these poems initially on a website called due to inactivity well, they cut off a lot of profiles. Mine being one of them. :/. Anyhow I had thought that my poems were lost, but I'm delighted that I had the sense to put at least three of them on this blog. Thank godddd!!!! :D
I'm studying right now for my exams..Will post regularly along with pictures maybe post exams :).
A small list of things I have to talk about
1) First on the list - The wedding (my sister's)
2) Yoga
3) My personal travelogue  :)
4) Reading
5) Habits I have to revive.
6) And many more things...!