Thursday, August 13, 2015

A Little something.

As a young person in today's India. I feel a sea of emotions much more complex than the last generation did.
At least they had a clear set of rules, however morbid, however archaic.
They could steal moments of happiness and comfort that you get a glimpse of when you see a smiling face peering back from an old black and white picture.
I always wonder, the smiling faces of my parents I remember so distinctly and the happiness , was it real? Is happiness really that easy and simple growing in innocent laughter. Or is it the strange sense of loneliness, lack of direction, passionless ambition that I feel... what is real.

The confusion I feel is overpowering, my emotions are real and so conflicting, my motives so strong yet different. Going from clarity to being pulled in different directions is like growing up in a day.

How friendships have changed. How I am expected to be so different from what I really am. Should I adamantly stick to the convention or follow the gnawing feeling of searching for something...Is happiness found in those precious moments with family, your old and greying father's embrace, or in the achievement of a goal , or in just following society's blueprint set out so clearly for a girl.
Maybe I don't want to get married. Maybe I am feeling conflicted and alone when all my friends are getting hitched.
Who am I really.What is that one place I can call home..forever.
One of those lovely monsoon mornings. Entire city is washed down :)

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Happy accidents

I accidentally came across my blog.. again!
Haha...Cannot believe I had the energy to write at that time..I'm quite the opposite of what I used to be..or probably that part of me is hidden now..I had written and published these poems initially on a website called due to inactivity well, they cut off a lot of profiles. Mine being one of them. :/. Anyhow I had thought that my poems were lost, but I'm delighted that I had the sense to put at least three of them on this blog. Thank godddd!!!! :D
I'm studying right now for my exams..Will post regularly along with pictures maybe post exams :).
A small list of things I have to talk about
1) First on the list - The wedding (my sister's)
2) Yoga
3) My personal travelogue  :)
4) Reading
5) Habits I have to revive.
6) And many more things...!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

More poems :)

I havent been on blog so long....And, a lot has occurred since then....But in the meanwhile i would post another of my poems.......

Walking into that space inside,
I unearth an immeasurable treasure of ,
Reason, Light,imagination..
The lovely meadow I keep to myself,…
Inside,deep down there…
The scent of mysticism wrapping it’s huge wings around me…
I search for happiness,I search for joy , I search everything…
I try to feel outside…
But, the world under, is one beyond..
Bereft of all that is transient, all that is true there,…
It gives you the eyes for obscurity……
The beauty meeting piousness…..
The sweeping feeling of peace..
Your questions answered, left unanswered outside……

Fearing, getting lost in the madhouse outside..
I strive,searching for the blindness to all this …
Preserving all that is true…
The music inside, i’ve ne’r heard….
But, it closes the eyes I keep outside…
Urging me to open the eyes inside my heart…
I look into the transparency of the walls around me..
They reflect, I stare in horror….
I don’t see a body, a human…
I see the floating image of a being divine , serene……..
I investigate, it emanates a shine, unescapably pure….
It’s head stripped of all pretence, all the materials..
It’s naked, genderless….
It’s what I have been shying away from……
Ignoring all along…..
Gasping, I realize,It’s me…….
The brief interlude ends, I snap back into the world…
Hoping to visit it again……
To open the gates of my inside again…..
Once again…..

I have been on the road a great deal , travelling..I hope m able to blog from where i will be shifted soon...My uncle's house..for, a two month study prep period.....He's quite conservative , I wonder how the stay will fare....My exams are 7 months later..And, i'm not yet begun...But, i guess i'll find a way of carrying my music..And, some of my favourite books around to his place....My one month training is in May...But ,i'll shift April first week, on account of the noise and commotion at home....cum school.........
Till then, bye....

Monday, March 16, 2009

The first ...for me!

This is evidently my first blog...I decided to begin with my favourite (not exactly the correct shade)...colour- Blue.I have a blurred idea of what a blog is accurately.......I presume it's a 'diary entry' online.But available for view....
I sat down yestrday and wrote a couple of poems...
Few which had been pending long ago....
My mum's already begun calling me for lunch......But right now, i'll sign out simply by posting my poems....

The following, is about our relationships in this world and how they end but we fall in the same ocean upon dying...sans the distinctions in this world..
Is it over my sweet friend?
Is it over for goodbye,
Change , the moving change clasped in your hand….
That’s how should it all end?
Is it how we all will be?
Inside we understand…
We stay, pray, cry, love..
Outside we kiss goodbyes..
Ready to jump off the cliff….
Then we are one.

Is it just the interaction this much, in
This life…my sweet friend.
Or must we stretch beyond..
Will you remember me as I should be?
As we were near the start.
We stay pray, cry, love
Outside we kiss good byes
Ready to jump off the cliff..
Then we are one.

This world provided,
Now that I have found you…
From above, we are part….
We are one…
We are some….
We look around,
Bound by the threads….
Tugging each for truth…
We break some, make some.
And take some.

We stay pray, cry, love
Outside we kiss good byes
Ready to jump off the cliff..
Then we are one.

The next is about our teenage years, better described as a rebellious, confusing, and tumultous time of our life...

We were born,
Ourselves, original, ..
Bubbling with life, curiousity.….
And, yet we must be tamed fit to live in this society….
We, are taught the rules
Promised some,…
Taught to be satisfied, yet demanded through…
Wounded, and nursed back to health….
Told, we are faulty….
Told , not to break….
Told, to be tough…..
Told, to be the smiling face…
Told, we are big…
Yet , some days we are too young…
Yet, told that we are loved
Bypassing hypocrisy……
Told to be the same as other’s…
Told differences make us ugly, unwanted….
Not unique
Because they are the society,
And we are alone…..
Our parents peer at us through glasses of,
Confused , perplexed faces….
Wondering for the change
Trying us to be same….
Asking, not why we do not fit anywhere?
But rather,why do we not try to ?...
Each forgetting that once they stood being the same turmoil,
That is us today….

Signing off for now..I hope i'll be familiar with blogging rules well enough the next time I type....